Friday, February 8, 2013

Blizzard of 1978

If you live in the Northeastern part of the United States you are well aware that a storm described as possibly "epic" is churning over us as I write this.  And if you are over the age of 40 you may remember the historic storm of 1978 which occurred at about this time 35 years ago - February 6th and 7th, 1978 to be exact.

I was living in a section of Boston called West Roxbury at the time, and I am fortunate to have fond memories of the Blizzard of '78. We were without power for a few days and our street was not cleared for days as well.  But, unlike some others, none of us were left stranded on any of the impassable roads.  There were many people who were not as fortunate  - stranded during the hurricane force winds and freezing temperatures. Schools were closed for 2+ weeks and everyone was using sleds, toboggans and skis as their transportation!

The town I live in now is one of the towns which could see up to 30 inches of snow before Nemo leaves the area on Saturday.  That is a lot of snow!  There are a few differences between the Blizzard of '78 and Nemo, however.  The biggest difference is that everyone has known DAYS in advance of this storm.  Meteorologists were predicting 6 inches of snow before the Blizzard of '78 - it caught everyone by surprise!  Most people didn't have snow blowers back in 1978 either - we just used good 'ole muscle power!

My dad (God rest his soul) and mother got a few brief video clips from the Blizzard of '78.  In this clip are my two younger brothers Chris and Don, my dad, my mother and myself:

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